Friday, May 13, 2011

Nicaragua, center square

Old central cathedral that survived huge earthquake in '72

National Assembly

National Art Plaza with Ortega's signature campaign to the left

Evidence of the quake

Indigenous pottery community

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

La Laguna Apoy

There is no such thing as capacity in microbuses

My amigos out there on the far doc

Its a crater lake, formed by mouth of a volcano that erupted and caved in on itself thousands of years ago

Chris doing a sick flip

Dan doing a happy jump

The monkey hut

Deliciously refreshing, like bath water:)

La calle con flores y un tuck tuck taxi

First days in Nica

Center Cathedral, as it stands after the '72 earthquake

National Assembly building

National Art, with Daniel Ortega's signature campaign to the left

Evidence of the earthquake

Indigenous pottery community

Monday, April 25, 2011

31'st Anniversery Romero March

The church where Romero was assassinated

Where Romero was standing giving his sermon

Romero's house

Hospital complex where is house and the church are

Welcome to El Salvador Obama

Banners getting ready for the march

The gang's all here

Romero Vive Vive!! La Lucha Sigue Sigue!!