Monday, April 25, 2011

31'st Anniversery Romero March

The church where Romero was assassinated

Where Romero was standing giving his sermon

Romero's house

Hospital complex where is house and the church are

Welcome to El Salvador Obama

Banners getting ready for the march

The gang's all here

Romero Vive Vive!! La Lucha Sigue Sigue!!


Artisan Pueblo outside of San Salvador

Pacific Ocean waaaaaaay out there

Old school confessional

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

San Salvador

The tomb on M. S. Romero (maybe some of yall saw Obama at this very place about 5 days after us!!)

Modern Cathedral in San Salvador center square

El Salvador National Cathedral (where Romero's tomb is)

National Palace (Y Elspeth)

Pigeon house:)

Our casa in San Salvador

My room is up those stairs

Daniella y yo's dormitory

las tortugas

Alfredo, our jolly driver

Me, Peggy and Eva

The gang on our last night in El Salvador

Fearless leaders, Cesar, Alfredo y Peggy